Cake and Music, What Can We Learn?

Let's talk cake. The vanilla, the milk, the sugar, the way it all comes together helps illustrate in music how you can get a clean sound by mixing as you create; even if you don't know how to mix!

Stick with me, I'm highlighting cake to make soft mixing easier to digest. And maybe by the end, we both will fulfill our sweet tooth.

When you're in the creation process and adding sounds upon sounds, a quick shaping of sounds will go a long way. When shaping the sounds, it's not about getting the perfect EQ setting or processing.

It's about crafting the sounds the way you intend them to be within your song!

When crafting is the focus, you are determining the amount of ingredients that will be used to bake a cake; while mixing is the art of masterfully decorating the cake.

Cake Ingredients

Eggs, sugar, flour, milk, oil, vanilla, salt, butter, baking powder

Song Ingredients

Kick, snare, hats, bass, keys, synth, more synths, cowbells, etc.

Crafting a delicious cake calls for adding the right amount of ingredients. You wouldn't want a cake with 2 cups of salt poured in the batter!

Same goes for your song. Let's say the main melody and drum groove are there and you add a synth that is supposed to play the role of the salt. Just a pinch; yet the synth is huge.

Grab an EQ and take away what you don't need. Cut the lows, filter the highs, highlight the parts of the synth you're in love with; leaving it sounding the way you intended it as an backing instrument. It's not overpowering, you've now put the right amount of butter into your track.

Keep crafting as you go. Want the keys to sound vintage? Crunch it up, put it in mono, flex you creative muscles. You've now added the right amount of vanilla!

Within crafting your sound, you now have a song that represents your vision. Do you know what else you now have?

A mixing engineer with more clarity of what you want from the song.

Not only adding all of the ingredients you want, but crafting the amount of each ingredient delivers a plush, moist , fluffy cake. Well... a clean, sharp sounding song.

The only thing left to do is to pass it off to the mixing engineer to masterfully decorate the cake. Or enhance your song – if that's what you'd rather have – to the point that it fulfills your fans' sweet tooth.

Now that I'm craving some frosting, before I hit the bakery, I invite you to craft your sound and send it to me to decorate it. If you want to have your audience get a sugar rush off of your music, request my Sweet Professional Mix!


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